Just as critical as your customers
Foundation Sustainable Suppliers of Horticultural Quality Products
We are a participant in Sustainable Suppliers of Horticultural Quality Products. In this way we contribute to a future-proof sector, in which high-quality products are grown and traded with respect for people, society and the environment. Independent inspections are carried out at points of sale and at the trade.
However, if despite all the monitoring you still have a problem, we will resolve it for you and your customer.
ISO 9001:2015
The ISO 9001 certificate can be obtained simply by
– saying what you do
– doing what you say
– proving this
Do we need to say more?
Kapiteyn collaborates with a number of partners on the innovation of flower bulb packaging.
Quality control
“For the past 5 years I have been responsible for the quality of the flower bulbs at Kapiteyn. When flower bulbs arrive at our company from Growers they are always monitored for disease and bulb size. Monitoring the flower bulbs is a very important link in the process. I am responsible for the blooming Tulips in the consumer´s garden and I´m happy when everyone can enjoy a colourful garden as much as I do.”