Captain Calla
As a breeder of callas, we don’t settle for new varieties alone. We work daily to improve and further develop our range of pot and cut callas – and with success! The Captain Calla brand is now known worldwide, not least because we can deliver every day of the year.
The process of testing, propagating and preparing only begins when a Calla is considered to be good enough to be renamed Captain Calla. Therefore, you are not only assured of a magnificent product but also of a tuber that is all set and ready to continue to grow in your greenhouse!
John Kapiteijn (Calla Manager) About Callas
“I can still remember when, back in 1994, we had a bouquet of Callas here for the first time. No one was immediately enthusiastic but when they were still around in the vase after three weeks they were the talk of the company. That was the ideal moment for me to focus my attention on breeding Callas. Nowadays I dare to say that we have the best Calla varieties in the cut flower assortment. They have a sturdier stem, a rounder form of flower and better flower production.